Our Objectives

To promulgate the Gospel

of the Lord Jesus Christ

through the local and international churches.

To instruct and disseminate

the teachings of the Christian faith.

To promote and co-ordinate Christian Witness in the nation's,

in all places and areas of society

but not limited to

Universities, Colleges, Schools, Hospitals, Prisons, Crusades, Camp Meetings,

and any other

public and /or private


To support those engaged in Christian Worship

and other forms of Christian Witness.

To foster unity among

Christian Churches.

To pioneer new works and establish

Churches internationally.

To actively give oversight, support, training and encouragement

to those who begin

new and established


To communicate the Gospel by any type of media

including but not limited to

print, radio, television, social media, film, video, DVD,


audio recordings.

To support

other churches,

missionaries, mission stations


or in

their overseas activities.

To establish ministry training schools

and equip people who desire to enter the ministry


theological and practical training

in all areas

of Christian Ministry.

To train people

and release them

to use their spiritual and natural gifts



To write, print, publish and market


books, literature


study courses.

To produce


teaching materials.